
Nothing so sexy and hot like you, nobody's moving the way you do! Somebody tell me if this is a game

Okay tomorrow is the day.. prom :D hahahah i can only tell that it is not going well!
If u didn't already know, 
I'm the presenter there.. AND i don't know what to say there ;--)
Nobody's told me that what i should do and what i say.. So me and my partner are going to improvise the WHOLE SHOW! YAY This is going so well! And.. okay i have to be honest.. I'm little worried about it :D Not much but naah who cares!

I say always "who cares" and i have to get rid of that.. :D But who cares right?
HEY i have new phone! ^^ Nokia X6 COMES WITH MUSIC
Halleluja! :D
Now i FINALLY got it.
Everyone should buy a NOKIA! It is finnish mark u know ;)
But yes have a nice day/evening/night/afternoon etc.
xxx elina♥

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