
If you break my heart, I break your car

YEAH! summer has finally come ;-) I love sun, warm (HOTHOTHOT) weather, swimming, sunbathe, food, ALL!
I think summer would be always. I hate winter -.- Cold and those winter clothes! arghh 
I'm sorry, I'm too lazy to take pictures today.. Well who cares, there is no one who is reading this!
But still I command you to tell me if you have visited here, I know they will love this!
And if u liked this tell to your loser friends too! 

so what new happened today..? Hmm oh yes my water balloon has exploded.. Rest in peace!
okay it was kinda funny thing, it just suddenly exploded. That was boring.. Well to be honest i am
boring person, so my things (can i say that? naaah who cares) are almost every time boring! 
Today i had the most boring day at school: bad food, sports (does 'tango' count) , boring lessons (like there would be NOT boring lessons...)

If somebody is wondering "why on earth somebody from Finland write a blog in english?!"
the answer is: I wanna write this just for fun! Maybe someday in the future i'll become famous through this! (..never)
But yes.. Have a nice day, night, evening, morning WHAT EVER you have there! It will be the greatest! (frankly: You will get laid!) 

//OH YES, i complete forgot to say! Ask me any kind of questions! I'll answer.. There (--->) is a question box, so sen your questions to me and i'll answer to you ; )

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