SO, that kind of weekend.. Midsummer was kinda boring.. everybody was drunk though, except me ;--) Be proud! Well i drink few beers buut still i wasn't drunk :pDad was really drunk 24/7! haha love you daddy ♥
THEN I WAS _REALLY_ ANGRY, because! there was the big fire thing somewhere.. And there was really much people. AND!!! they told me that there was hot boys and i didnt go there! BOOO
go to hell xd But otherwise it was okay...
Everybody was so noisy around here! :D hahah (welll we know why..)
And i just found my bikini's... you will never guess where those was..
in front of our door.. WTF?! what i did here.. i just went out AND there it was, my bikini's =)
But yessssssss HEHE now i am at home again :)):):)::))::)
Aaand tomorrow is going to be great day ♥ ;p hihi
you think that you're cooler than me
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