I really hate that people are so happy when they get very expensive gifts! That is so insane! Seriously if u don't get something what is little bit finer, then you are like going to kill yourself? JEEZZ! Mee hoitoo.
I think that in christmas the main thing is, that you're with your family. I don't even care if i don't get any gifts. Atleast i can be with my family..
And it really hurts when people laugh at you and say something like: hahah you loser, u didn't get anything good?
I don't care! I don't live in the 'RichFamily' so i can enjoy from a little things. Maybe you don't. But i'm just saying that i dont give a SHIT if you get a new wonderful TV or 500 €! I really do not care!
Sorry for this opening, but seriously :D Go to hell with your new tv :DD:D
Only what I need from xmas is chocolate and good food! :) So keep this on your mind, I'll always warm to you, if you bring me some chocolate ;) BRING IT ON BABE <3 ;) Let's Fucccccc... what :) I didn't say anything
1. Oletko saanut uuden ystävän tämän vuoden aikana? - Kyllä pari! Loppuja ei voi kutsua ystäviks
2. Oletko tehnyt jotain tänä vuonna, mitä et ole ennen tehnyt? - kyllä olen
3. Oletko seurustellut tämän vuoden aikana? - pyh ja pah! Seurustelua kukaan kaipaa
4. Kerro pari parasta muistoasi tältä vuodelta? - hmm, ehkä se ku pääsin muuttamaan pois kotoa (tällä hetkellä se menettelee vielä) ja zittten ehkäpä kesäÄ
5. Oletko riitaantunut kenenkään ystäväsi kanssa kuluneen vuoden aikana? - No en ystävien kanssa ikinä riitele <3
2. Oletko tehnyt jotain tänä vuonna, mitä et ole ennen tehnyt? - kyllä olen
3. Oletko seurustellut tämän vuoden aikana? - pyh ja pah! Seurustelua kukaan kaipaa
4. Kerro pari parasta muistoasi tältä vuodelta? - hmm, ehkä se ku pääsin muuttamaan pois kotoa (tällä hetkellä se menettelee vielä) ja zittten ehkäpä kesäÄ
5. Oletko riitaantunut kenenkään ystäväsi kanssa kuluneen vuoden aikana? - No en ystävien kanssa ikinä riitele <3
1. Oletko muuttunut paljoa viimeisen vuoden aikana? - No kyllä olen.. Huonoon suuntaan menossa
2. Oletko lihonut? - Parisataa kiloa =) Iha vaan sen takii, ettei rikulle tulis orpo olo
3. Oletko saanut porttikieltoa minnekään tämän vuoden aikana? - :D .. kyllä, eiku en tie
4. Oletko ollut elokuvissa YKSIN tämän vuoden aikana? - en todelakaaaa!
5. Oletko ottanut tatuointia/lävistystä viimeisen vuoden aikana? - en ole!
1. Oletko muuttunut paljoa viimeisen vuoden aikana? - No kyllä olen.. Huonoon suuntaan menossa
2. Oletko lihonut? - Parisataa kiloa =) Iha vaan sen takii, ettei rikulle tulis orpo olo
3. Oletko saanut porttikieltoa minnekään tämän vuoden aikana? - :D .. kyllä, eiku en tie
4. Oletko ollut elokuvissa YKSIN tämän vuoden aikana? - en todelakaaaa!
5. Oletko ottanut tatuointia/lävistystä viimeisen vuoden aikana? - en ole!
RANDOM:1. Kuka oli paras uusi tuttavuus? - emmä tierä
2. Piditkö uudenvuodenlupauksesi? - emmä tehny semmosia
2. Piditkö uudenvuodenlupauksesi? - emmä tehny semmosia
3. Synnyttikö kukaan läheisesi? - no ei, tai siis mä?
4. Kuoliko kukaan läheisesi? - no ei kirjaimellisesti, mutta mulle ne on kuolleita. In your face bitch
5. Missä maissa kävit? - no vähä noloo.. oon ollu kai koko vuoden suomessa!
6. Mitä haluaisit vuodelta 2011 sellaista, joka ei onnistunut vuonna 2010? - No kyl mä voisin jonkun miehen ottaa.
7. Mikä päivämäärä säilyy muistissasi vuodelta 2010? - hmm..
8. Vuoden suurin saavutuksesi? - Suurin saavutukseni tapahtui tässä kuussa, mutta en kerrro ;)
9. …ja suurin epäonnistuminen? - Epäonnistuminen... Vittu niit on liikaa
10. Kärsitkö vammoista? - No joo, jos mä oon vammanen
11. Mikä oli paras asia, jonka ostit? - Kebab ranskalaiset
12. Kenen käyttäytyminen ansaitsi kiitosta? - EI KENENKÄÄN
13. Kenen käyttäytyminen aiheutti ahdistusta? - ei herranjumala! Tulis hirveetä listaa tähänkin, jos rupeisin kirjottelee :D Läheisimmät ihmiset tietää mu ahdistukset ;) hajoon kaikille niille mun puheluille
14. Mihin käytit suurimman osan rahoistasi? - Kouluun
15. Mistä innostuit eniten? - Bileistä
16. Vuoden 2010 ihmiset: En sa!
17. Verrattuna tähän aikaan viime vuonna, oletko onnellisempi vai surullisempi? - Todellakin surullisempi! Todellakin
18. Lihavampi vai laihempi? - LihavaaaA
19. Rikkaampi vai köyhempi? - PEEE AAAA
20. Mitä olisit toivonut tekeväsi enemmän? - Että olisin oppinut pyytämään anteeksi
21. …entä vähemmän? - No vastavuoroisesti, toisten satuttaminen!
22. Miten aiot viettää joulun? - Täälä perseessä, en todellaka haluis olla täällä.. Vihaan joulua
23. Jos voisit mennä ajassa taaksepäin ja muuttaa yhden hetken menneestä vuodesta, mikä se olisi? - En mä pysty yhtä valitseen.. Paitsi jos olis pakko valita yks nii kyl mä ehkä tietäisin..
24. Rakastuitko vuonna 2010? - Joo mun lemmikki ja naapuri on ihan mun ykkös rakkaudet
25. Kuinka monta yhden illan juttua sinulla oli? - tota... :D Jos jätän vastaamatta.... Tai sanottaisko näin, että: Liikaa
26. Mikä oli mieluisin tv-sarja, jota seurasit? - Kumman Kaa, Ritari Ässä & Smallville <3
27. Vihaatko tällä hetkellä ketään, jota et vihannut viime vuonna samaan aikaan? - Kyllllä
28. Mikä oli paras lukemasi kirja? - Vitut mä mitää lue
29. …entä musiikillinen löytö? - NYUSHAAA I FOUND U AGAIN
30. Mitä halusit ja sait? - Kyllä. Minä todellakin halusin ja myös sain ;)
31. Mitä halusit, muttet saanut? - No soda stream
32. Mikä oli vuoden suosikkielokuvasi? -edelleeeen brokeback mountai helvetti ja notebook
33. Mitä teit syntymäpäivänäsi? - Menin kouluun..
34. Ketä kaipasit? - ai nyt vai sillo....
35. Mikä tai kuka sai sinut pysymään järjissäsi? - Mistä tää testi olettaa, että mä oisin järjissäni....
1. Oletko joutunut tappeluun? - Totta vitussa olen :D
2. Oletko tehnyt mitään luvatonta vuoden aikana? - olen
3. Oletko tehnyt jotain, mitä olet katunut kauan jälkeenpäin? - Ei herranjumala, kysy vaan kuinka paljon! Nytkin kadun, vaikka tein oikein..
I will make you take your clothes off and go dancing in the rain
ahh, i want to get wasted.. Like.. NOW! This sucks! I've been sober now two weeks in a row! SHIT!
and i don't feel ok.. :D i want booooze. so much! aaa :(
But soon is xmas! And i don't have that "Christmas-feeling" yet.. I love that feeling! But i don't get it! haha
And now i don't even have a guy problems anymore! That is soooo good! This feeling is something so cool!
Upside, inside out SHE'S LIVIN' LA VIDA LOCAAA!
I think i go crazy
ahh, i want to get wasted.. Like.. NOW! This sucks! I've been sober now two weeks in a row! SHIT!
and i don't feel ok.. :D i want booooze. so much! aaa :(
But soon is xmas! And i don't have that "Christmas-feeling" yet.. I love that feeling! But i don't get it! haha
And now i don't even have a guy problems anymore! That is soooo good! This feeling is something so cool!
Upside, inside out SHE'S LIVIN' LA VIDA LOCAAA!
I think i go crazy
Couple party songs!
Ripa & Beka weekend:
Nava & Beka weekend:
I can see it in her eyes. Everything feels so right! Till before the morning light!
Everything is fucked up weekend:
If you want to be my man, fuck me hard fuck me well
Hey, Can you gimme some more?
Wanna be my party boy, wanan be my special boy? You make the girls go ahh!
Vi sitter här i venten och spela lite dotA! (Vi sitter här i Ulkku och drinka lite..!)
Can you what's wrong with me? Can you see it's you and me!
i wanna fly, i wanna die, i wanna go
Tomorrowww it begins again ;p partymode is on right now! (;
We gonna drink whole weekend! and on monday too ofc ;) ofc we have to celebrate our free days of school.
and hey im sorry, im not gonna write good english right now. Because I DONT REALLY FUCKIN' CARE!
Oh boy.. ;) Did ya all know that men's are so stupid. They believe anything what i tell to them! losers ;D
hmmhmmm, tomorrow i hav 4 hours in school -.- i don't want so long days! plehh.. Hate it! welll... after school.. ;)
i did my nails just while ago. And they were horrible! so i took them off.. Now i am doing new ones ;p well i think i do them tomorrow.. JUST BEFORE PARTY.. not good.. ;D
HAHA ONE THING!! i bought leather pants yesterday! DAMN THEY LOOKS GOOD ON ME ;) (just like boys do! what, i mean.....)
We gonna drink whole weekend! and on monday too ofc ;) ofc we have to celebrate our free days of school.
and hey im sorry, im not gonna write good english right now. Because I DONT REALLY FUCKIN' CARE!
Oh boy.. ;) Did ya all know that men's are so stupid. They believe anything what i tell to them! losers ;D
hmmhmmm, tomorrow i hav 4 hours in school -.- i don't want so long days! plehh.. Hate it! welll... after school.. ;)
i did my nails just while ago. And they were horrible! so i took them off.. Now i am doing new ones ;p well i think i do them tomorrow.. JUST BEFORE PARTY.. not good.. ;D
HAHA ONE THING!! i bought leather pants yesterday! DAMN THEY LOOKS GOOD ON ME ;) (just like boys do! what, i mean.....)
hmmhmm,, i'd like to tell something new :( But i think i don't have anything new to tell ya! sad thing.. I'm still me =) Same fat kid inside of me :) hihi♥
Can you turn me on little bit more? oh you like it? ;)
You type me kisses
For days you draw me smiles
You send me clips
At night you offer me links
Then through the camera I catch sight of your intentions
It's all stupid when you're not next to me
Then through the camera I catch sight of your intentions
It's all stupid, you're not next to me
It's all stupid when you're not next to me
Then through the camera I catch sight of your intentions
It's all stupid, you're not next to me
Disconnect yourself from the net
Log yourself off from the chat
Isn't the real better than the unreal world
Log yourself off from the chat
Isn't the real better than the unreal world
Come on, get off of Face(book)
Avoid Myspace
Because a relationship over the net dangerously disturbs me
Walk to me, enjoy in person (live
Avoid Myspace
Because a relationship over the net dangerously disturbs me
Walk to me, enjoy in person (live
woooooow, long time no see! and now i'm gonna tell you something really cool! hmmhmm
Well there is party again tomorrow.. Like every friday.. And i THINK there is pary on satruday.. Like every saturday.. :)
I wish it would be tomorrow already! Waiting soooo much for it! I can be with my closest friends <3 pk!
hehehehasdhasda And ofc get so fuckin' drunk. The main thing ;p
Well there is party again tomorrow.. Like every friday.. And i THINK there is pary on satruday.. Like every saturday.. :)
I wish it would be tomorrow already! Waiting soooo much for it! I can be with my closest friends <3 pk!
hehehehasdhasda And ofc get so fuckin' drunk. The main thing ;p
WE gonna lose our minds tonight!
HAHA, HAPPY HALLOWEEN OR SOMETHING SHIT!! HAHA, this day should be sooo awesomeday ;> i think ;o and hope, duh?
aaaa i need a ride to vkoski! AA now! i want to go there now! have to go. jeeeez! blahblah, i am at home now and this is really boring.. Nothing new here ;O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA totally hating this.. I'm so sad because i missed so good parties ;s aaa fuck! But i bet there was really boring without me.. =)
I'M SO FUCKIN ON RIGHT NOW! Why so serious?
Oh shiit my glass is empty! That sucks!
You can choose, let it go.. we can always party on our own ;)
aaaa i need a ride to vkoski! AA now! i want to go there now! have to go. jeeeez! blahblah, i am at home now and this is really boring.. Nothing new here ;O AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA totally hating this.. I'm so sad because i missed so good parties ;s aaa fuck! But i bet there was really boring without me.. =)
I'M SO FUCKIN ON RIGHT NOW! Why so serious?
Oh shiit my glass is empty! That sucks!
You can choose, let it go.. we can always party on our own ;)
"When your dancing up to me girl, You make me go out of the control now"
... tarimeee....
... tarimeee....
so kiss me all night and don't ever let me go
arghh, everything is just sooo fucked up -.-
I forgot my curtains at home.. And ofc my clothes too. ?! how can i forgot? jeeezzzz
Keep downing drinks like this, not tomorrow not just right now now now
I forgot my curtains at home.. And ofc my clothes too. ?! how can i forgot? jeeezzzz
Keep downing drinks like this, not tomorrow not just right now now now
So dance dance
Like its the last last night of your life life
Ain't i seen u before?
I think I remember those eyes
Hands-up, and suddenly we all got our hands-up
No control of my body!
No control of my body!
DJ got us falling in love again
Yeah, Thanks DJ
You got me dreaming like a fool that i can steal your heart away
Here is some pictures... But i think it is better that i don't publish those pictures which ones was taken in the evening.. omg :D
ooh shiit, i want to go back there.. Damn you guys! But it was so fun... :p♥
Look at the mirror and see what i see
t'åleöäfds,v, mlakå¨fe
p,lt er,
åfdspkaetoäeeårlertgkldfffffffffffffffffffjgkdsfljaertijtnjhgrkgfjdk,jgkethgkjehkjnfd, ;O
Hello, I'm not angry, not at all :)
meet me at the hotel room!
uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu nice pic! :p hehehe im really beautiful in this one!... yes rly...
we was shopping today, it was soo fun! :D
my dinner.. (again.. kinda fed up with this shit.. OKAYY i've only eaten this once before here.. BUT STILL eww)
EXTRA HOT! just like me, huh? ;)
heheee, tomorrow me & my gurllls(----) go to shopping ;) yay!
ps, (click it will open bigger) i did my friends homework :) HOW GOOD FRIEND AM I! daa, the best ofc.
hey come on get to some.. hey come on get to some candy!
Weekend is over again! ;o it went so fast! omgomggmog :D
and tomorrow.. school yeah :DD andddd we made amazing plans with girls today ;) hahah can't wait! :p and then we go to shopping on Wednesday! We have to.. ;)
AND TOMORROW!! LET'S ZUMBAAAAAA! YAY :D (sixpack here i come, 'yeah right u wish!') now i can loose some weight! cant wait that either :D
i should go to sleep now but... no can do! damn
and tomorrow.. school yeah :DD andddd we made amazing plans with girls today ;) hahah can't wait! :p and then we go to shopping on Wednesday! We have to.. ;)
AND TOMORROW!! LET'S ZUMBAAAAAA! YAY :D (sixpack here i come, 'yeah right u wish!') now i can loose some weight! cant wait that either :D
i should go to sleep now but... no can do! damn
laugh, music & coffee (?!)
I am sad! becuse i had soo awesome nails today! But then they just peel off : ( They were soo amazing! AAA
screww you wolrld #*!!^#¤%!
But yes I had an awesome day =) I _LOVE_ my school! and i love what i study right now! AAA!
I am going to be soooo rich! (okay kidding.....)
But yes.. I don't have so much to say butt just wanted to give here some update! :)
btw, waiting for 22.12.2010 -> 22.22 pm! ausome!
I am sad! becuse i had soo awesome nails today! But then they just peel off : ( They were soo amazing! AAA
screww you wolrld #*!!^#¤%!
But yes I had an awesome day =) I _LOVE_ my school! and i love what i study right now! AAA!
I am going to be soooo rich! (okay kidding.....)
But yes.. I don't have so much to say butt just wanted to give here some update! :)
btw, waiting for 22.12.2010 -> 22.22 pm! ausome!
I hate it when Brad Pitt calls me when i'm in bed with Johnny Depp...
Cat, catS and more............. |
Here is just some pics what i took today, daaaaaa?
i went today to the flea market, with my mooom (♥)
and there was sooo much something what i wanted to buy! :D
But i didn't buy much anything.. 3 nail polishes, earrings (well actually i stole those earrings), bag, PANTIES!
i dont know why, but i really do love this! It is not pretty.. kinda ugly but anyways it is awesome! |
Did you all had a good week/-end ? : ) i did! ups! i forgot there is one day left! :D hahah well anyways did ya?
xx elina ;)♥
Did i say that i want to leave it all behind
And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
I can't take my eyes off of you
Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?
I can't take my mind...
My mind...my mind...
'Til I find somebody new
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